Stay Healthy

Draiflessen Collection

Interactive installation Film & Animations
During the Letterpress printing era, many popular 'health guides' appeared, covering herbal and women's medicine, dietetics, proper nutrition, sleep and hygiene. They also included tips on bloodletting and the influence of planetary constellations. It is fascinating to explore the parallels and differences with today's concepts.

For the Health 500 Years Ago exhibition, we produced a multimedia book that explores these historical health guides.

2nd page from the media book

4th page from the media book

Our multimedia book complements the cabinet exhibition and illustrates the health perspectives of historical periods. It invites visitors to immerse themselves in the health zeitgeist of past centuries and see the various aspects of health in a new light.


/ Impressions

/ Credits

Sound design in Kooperation mit:: sounds fresh. gmbh
Photos: Henning Rogge

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